
We have been creating happiness since 2008. Everything we do…from how we answer the phone, to how we respond to your questions and concerns, to how we process and simplify your mortgage transaction….our primary goal is to make you happy.
Over the years we have met some amazing people, and our testimonials highlight some of their experiences. We are very proud of what we are doing and want to take happiness to the next level.
And so, in early 2021 the movement was born….a happiness movement, a movement with the intention to create happiness for everyone.
We want everyone reading this to think of ways they can create happiness. Any act of kindness that makes people smile; from a simple wave to your neighbour, to holding a door open for someone, to helping someone with a problem or task, everyone can create happiness.
Help Us Get The Message Out
Use the form on our Contact Us page. Put “Support The Movement” in the subject line and include in your message whether you would prefer a wristband(available in 2 sizes, Adult 202mm or Youth 180mm) and/or a keychain. Don’t forget to include your address and we will send it/them to you for FREE.
The wristbands and keychains are made of durable silicone and represent a clear sky. Each wristband/keychain belongs to a limited series of less than 300. The series number is debossed within the band via roman numerals (XXMMI.#).
We want to hear your story on what you did or are doing to create happiness. Post your pictures and stories on our facebook page for a chance to win some cool prizes. Together we can make Canada a better place.